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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Si* CAKSOKt In order that we nay gat one natter clear,, this nettling yon said sene of these tests had been node after the power had been turned on, after yen found it was turned off— the question was put to you— Were all of these tests made with the power off, and year answer wes Tee, Which is correct? Md you make sene of those tests after the power was turned on at the wells? When A* iJL said after the power was on, 2 meant hack at this location at Firat, between Ogden end Fremont, After we got back in town and got no more water, we went out and took tests over the town, 0* That was after the power was on? A, tea, 0* So the pewer was on when you made these tests. A* That’s right. m. KESWICK* Q. Chief Case, assuming that the svpply of water was net adequate to seet the fire requirements of the City, and required quite unmount of money to make it so, who, in your opinion, should stand that cost*- the commercial user in the City or the City itself? M* CASSOWt i object to the answer by this witness on the ground ho is not properly qualified* It is for the Public Service Commission to supply that answer* id. ktlMUt Objection sustained* *****