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I agree.o Original for Water Company V LAS VEGAS LAND AND WAT t o . "N" L - D * 2^09 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 3 _______ day of ______ O C T ____________ 700 - 195 o , by and between LAS TOGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Nevada, hereinafter called f,Company??, Party of the First Part, and __SCMRIDGE DEEBLOPMEffl? COMPANY, a Nevada Corporation hereinafter called nSubdivider:f, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: tributing water as a public utility, in the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada; and City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, and has made application to the Company to extend its water mains as follows: Commencing at a connection with the existing -pater main at 10th Street and Howard Drive, thence southerly in 10th Street 300 feet to Bassett Drive; thence easterly in Hassett Drive a distance of 1040 feet to an end at 11th Street. with place of business located at _ _„18QQ.dryland Parkway Las Vegasf Nevada Recitals WHEREAS, the Company is engaged in the business of dis- WHEREAS, the Subdivider is engaged in subdividing South Half of Block Two (2) and the North Half of Block Three (3) Southridge Addition, Las Vegas. Nevada. as per plat thereof on file and of record in Book of Plats at Page , Clark County Nevada Records, all in the WHEREAS, the Company is willing to make said extensions 1 . A - 64-