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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas •- February 27* 1955. Hr. B* H. Buttons Referring to your Mailgrasa S-90* file 70iw7» con­cerning espairit balances on cash shortages discovered In the audit of this office accounts• Discussed this setter again this morning with Hr. Bell* who again confirms ar telephone conversation with Hr* white on February 19* 1951* Hr* Bell advises that 1* He Is mseiaployed at the preent time* 2* In order to sake previous $900, payments of he had to m a c e encumbrance open Ida home* which, ie new encumbered to such an extent he is unable tc borrow further* As we previously advleed Hr* White* Hr. Bell is trilling to give bis personal note In mmvmt of 1672.60* subject to change in event additional shortages are developed. The note to be payable in 2 years from date with privilege of paying all op any part thereof at any time prior thereto* with interest at rate of $$ per anaon upon unpaid balance. Hr. Bs&I further states that If he is able to secure permanent employment he will be in position tc pay the note off prior to the expiration date. Xm the investigation of this matter* Hr. M i l has extended every assistance in our efforts to straighten out the situation and ms he Is willing to execute a note for such shortages as may be developed, X recommend M s offer be accepted. W* S* Johnson