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I agree.September 27, 1944 HXer.r aoE,a rCla Kleiefnoeryn ia regarRdeifnegr pruirnogh ateo ey oofur l oItnsq uaidrjya cSeenptt etmob eyro u26rth In BlOoucrk Sr,e oTorredaet i#n2d3i4c8a teen dt hethseey a arree L optrai c2e d1 a9t, 9260.00 aaoh. you wiIlfl t yhoius pplueroahsaee nea iplr luose ais caagsrheieearb*l? e cthoe ok bfeo r m9a6d0e0 .to0 0y oaunrds aedlvfi aselo wnhee othre tro tyhoeu drseeeldf s ahnoduld Very truly yours. i x m o r r o r c r a r n tt. HoCurdy Agent - Yerab, C; life