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An idea that the District might hold a bond election before the final decisions were made on the water agreement, was rejected. It was then agreed that an early meeting with the Southern Nevada Engineering Committee should be held and the President was instructed to-so arrange. Director M ille r reported that he had made the first advances to the County Commissioners to prepare them for a third loan to the District. The amount of the loan was to be $25,000 The balance of cash on hand in the bank was shown to be $2350.17, according to the Treasurer. The Manager reported upon the use of water at his residence and at other metered places about the city, showing that lawns require much more water than the householder believes could be true. O n motion of Director Cashman, seconded by Director Bunch, two recent bills for out of town calls made by the V ic e President on the charge account of the Bank of Nevada, were approved unanimously and ordered paid to the Bank of Nevada in the total amount of $21.30. The President asked that the Directors adjourn this meeting for one week, and on motion of V ice President Butterfield, seconded by Director Bunch, and unqnimously passed, it was agreed that this regular meeting would be resumed at 4:00 o'clbck P . M . , Friday, August 17, 1951, at the office of the District, 135 South 4th Street. Whereupon this first session of the regular meeting adjourned at 5:55 o'clock P . M . , to meet again on August 17, 1951