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upr000196 234


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    January 10, 1947 Honorable secretary JogrJ mu tKaqteontz Carson City, Nevada Dear Sir: I transmit herewith for filin g the following documents: 1. Resolution on behalf of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, a Nevada corporation, changing the principal place of its business and designating me Resident Agent* 2. Certificate of Appointment of Resident Agent and Resolution Changing Principal Place of Business of the Union Pacific Railroad Compahy 3* Certificate of Appointment of Resident Agent and Resolution Changing Principal Place of Business of the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company. 4* Certificate of Appointment of Resident Agent and Resolution Changing Principal Place of Business of the Las Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company. 5. Certificate of Appointment of Resident Agent and Resolution Changing Principal Place of Business of the Utah Parks Company. Please find inclosed check in the sum of $25.00 being $5*00 for each corporation which I understand is your filin g fee. Kindly advise me i f there are any addi­tional charges and please inform rue the date when the in­closures were received and filed by you. Thank you for your courtesy. Sincerely Calvin M, Cory CMC:eh enc.