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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Loa Angeles, February 31, 1931 9315-3-W OFFICE MEMORANDUM: Meeting held in Mr. McNamee*s o f f ic e , Friday, February 30, to consider proposed increase in schedule of LVL&W Co. water charges, Las Vegas, a t which were p resen t: F . R. McNamee, C. H. Bloom, W. R. Bracken, Leo A. McNamee, L. P. Drew and the undersigned: I t was decided that Mr. Bracken, in co-op eration with Mr. Drew, would work up and submit to Mr. F. R. McNamee a schedule of proposed ra te s based on a t o t a l annual expense fig u re which should include as a part th ereo f in te r e s t charge of &j> on valuation of $100,000 fo r the water i t s e l f ; a lso a l t e r ­nate schedule based upon a t o t a l annual expense fig u re which should include in te r e s t charge of 8$ on $300,000 water v alu ation . I t is understood the new schedule w ill be put in d e fin ite form and presented to th is o ffio e by Mr. F. R. McNamee fo r submission to Mr. Gray. I t is a ls o understood th a t Mr. McNamee*s suggestion February 13 %ith resp ect to the e ffe c tiv e _ date of the new schedule is te n ta tiv e ly approved. C H . 8; FEB 31 *931