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Los Angelos, G al., Via t e r Supply - Las Vegas. Mareh E3, 191E. F ile 613. ?s $ K - N S 9 ' is Mr. S. Mi Jessup, Engineer Maintenance o f Way, Los Angeles* C a lifo r n ia . Dear S ir: - I req u ire f o r a n a lysis some samples o f the s o il along the 18 inch pipe lin e from th e tank in Las Vegas yard to the r e s e r v o ir dam, and have to request that you w i l l have them procured fo r me. Take samples o f about th;ree or. fou r pounds weight each a t about one and on e-h alf or two f e e t in depth below the surface ^of the ground at in te r v a ls o f 1E00 or 1500 f e e t along the pipe lin e Ns. % v s w N and say fou r or f i v e fe e t away from the pipe lin e , beginning at or about the tank fo r the f i r s t sample and ending at or about the ' dam fo r the la s t sample. Put each sample in a separate bag with tag on the outside I v 1 ^ noting thereon lo c a tio n where sample was procured. Besides the tag . vy " ^ p u t a w ritten memorandum in each bag containing the same inform ation \ % w • •Sw X . - /that is w ritte n on the tag* Humber each sample .beginning a t tank with Humber One. I ^ v < \ $I \ S I ? w t j to make i t strong enough to carry without te a rin g . I f you have not got c lo th bags use double paper bags; that is , put sample in paper bag and then put another paper bag over i t I should lik e to have the- samples as e a r ly next week as is p ra c tic a b le fo r you to g et them f o r me. Yours tr u ly , Chief Engineer