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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Easement dated June 1, 1954, from the Railroad Companies as Grant-ors to the District as Grantee which was recorded July 1 , 1954, as Document Nq „ 14123 in Book 14, ?'Official Records of Clark County,Ne­vada, and which Easement Strip Rour is described in said Exhibit "Bm hereto attached,, Section 4„ At the present time the First National Bank of Nevada, of Las Vegas, Nevada, holds the Relocation Fund of $352,OO0o©0 referred to in Section 5 of said agreement dated June 1 * 1953j for disbursal in accordance with the provisions of said Section 5 pursuant to Escrow Instructions dated June 21, 1954, in Escrow No, 12-1905 and Escrow Instructions supplemental thereto„ Promptly after the effective date of this agreement the parties hereto shall execute and deliver to said Bank, together with a copy of this agreement, Supplemental Escrow Instructions instruct­ing said Bank to hold and disburse said Relocation Fund of $352,000,00 now held by said Bank in accordance with the provi­sions of Section 5 of said agreement dated June 1 , 1953, as sup­plemented and amended by the terms of this agreement„ IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written,, LOS ANGELES & SALT LAKE RAILROAD COMPANY UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY /s/ A. E. Stoddard _________ President LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ‘ . /s/ Thomas A« Campbell ____ ’ President Attest? /s/ £i/ J . Bachman Assistant Secretary Attest ? /s/ Harry'E. Miller Secretary 5«