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I agree.! 1 Set of Drawings for Clark Street Reservoir - Cloth 2 Tracings. 3 1 Set of Drawings for 300,000-gallon elevated water 4 tank, location, pumping station, profile of pipe lines 5 serving tank, pipe line anchors - Paper Tracing* 6 1 Set of Drawings for Wells and derricks, pump house, 7 Well # 11, vertical pump for Well #10, piping layout at 8 Charleston Blvd, reservoir - Paper Tracing* 9 L Set of Drawings for Clark Street pump house - Prints 10 and Paper Tracing* H i set of Drawings for Middle Spring House, plan, lo- 12 cation, ehlorinator tank foundation - Paper Tracing. 13 i Set of Drawings for Settling Basins Nos. 1 & 2 - 14 Prints & Tracings. 15 l Set of Drawings for Charleston Blvd. reservoir, pump 16 house and pipe line layout and adjacent facilities - pro- 17 files - Paper Tracing. 18 1 Set of Drawings for pumps and pipe fittings at Wells 19 2, 3, k and 9. k Paper Tracings. 20 1 Map of Water Distribution System in City of Las Vegas* 21 Cloth Tracing. No. H-223, scale l tt« 600*. 22 i Set of maps of Water Distribution System in City of 23 Las Vegas. Mo. 1-67. Scale, 1”= 200» & 1" = 300' (4 sheets) 24 Cloth Tracing. 25 i)|P» Maps of Water Distribution System in City of Las 26 Vegas. Various Scales. 27 EXHIBIT "G" 28 Page 3»