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    FORM 10-59-4-10-8M S A N P E D R O , L O S A N G E L E S A N D S A L T L A K E R A IL R O A D C O M P A N A C C O U N T IN G D E P A R TM E N T i^i'' 1 4, H . I. B E T T I S , A U D I T O R Wharfage rates, contract 1061. Los Ahgeles, January 26, 1911, 1498 H. Mr. A. S. Halsted, Assistant General Counsel. Dear S i r :- Herewith I hand you my f i l e relative to wharfage allowed by the Crescent Wharf & Warehouse Company. It appears that the rates which were provided fo r in our contract with the Crescent people conflict with the rates as now provided fo r by City Ordinance 20938. This or­dinance took effect on September 27,1910, and I am enclosing a copy herewith together with contract 1061 and wish you would kindly let me have your opinion as to whether we should look to the Crescent people fo r settlement from the date the ordi­nance took effect at rates provided fo r therein, or do you consider that the contract rate should be allowed to stand. Yours tru ly, Auditor.