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    0 % p y 0 Los Angeles, March 20, 1942 Mr. J. P. Mack: Rei Living and guard facilities for Las Vegas water property, and confirming our conversation of March 14 th { Attaohed Is copy of Mr. Strong’s memorandum to me of March 14th, for your information regarding complete requirements. Regarding Paragraph # 1, note the 3001 set-back from reservoir. Paragraph #2. Mr. Keeble informs me these bunk house stoves are in stock at our store room. I am still trying to locate a satisfactory spot light. Paragraphs 3 & 4. I have not contacted Mr. Jopllng or the Telegraph Dept. Will items when the Job is ready for them? you handle these In addition to items mentioned in attached memorandum Mr. dale instructed us to also furnish the following items! 1 - A domestic water tap at the Settling Basin and Reservoir. 2 - 100* of garden hose at each place for, etc. 3 - Glean sage brush* etc. 200* away from each place. J. T. Beem