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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \ Senator W. A. Clark, Hew York City. Dear Brother, - I beg to acknowledge receipt of your valued favor of the l£th, enclosing copy of Mr. Lovett's message quoting message from Mr. Sproule to Kruttschnitt, in regard to the construction of packing-houses for the Salt Lake Houte. The statement made by Hr* Sproule as to our plans in regard to construction of these houses is not entirely correct. We have constructed some houses on the basis he speaks of in the past- While Mr. Platt was here a short time ago we talked the natter over with Mr. Mutt and the Traffic Department to see if we could not work out some new basis, which we feel quite sure we can; that Is, instead of building the houses and leasing them to the shippers, we will make them a proposition to loan them the money to build same, they entering into a contract to purchase and we to sell, and they to pay so much per year and interest. In addition to the cost of the house the plan is to have the shipper put up sufficient money to equip it. The basis of payment per