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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Forw2120 3-43-1OOM V Zm&ml ; CHANGES IN PAY ROLLS . to tfau Reinhardt s . d e p t . Loa Angeles, Oallf. ------ -— April 3---------- Lag Vegaa, Nevada mvisioN After a careful examination of L a 3 lT S g |& 8 Land. filld. W a t , 63?—p O . . — ,------------------- 1-----------------------—^ ^ ------------------?— l am fully satisfied that the good of the service demands the following!changes which I'recommend: ; Employment of two uniformed 81 tar golloe offl o erg for the nerlod a# _ heavy water demand, May I at tg September I$-$0— # $875»QQ pe?* For the following reasons: - !E o e n f o r c e g l t y O r d i n a n c e p r o h i b i t i n g w a s t e of w a t e r . Recommended. Approved. Signature Effective NOTE— This blank should be used .for reporting all changes recommended in pay rolls. Authority must be obtained before any increase is made.Fi||.r put in triplicate, sign in space designated for “ Signature" and forward 8 he approves, will forward the original to the Accounting Department, return the duplicate to the officer making the recommendation, and retain the triplicate for his file. '