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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles - March 18, 195^ 80-11 Mr. Wm. Reinhardt: In connection with the prospective transfer of the Water Company to the Water District, I had a long talk with Mr. Campbell while in Vegas this week, and since my return I have had several talks with Mr. Beebe. The engineering report and the prospectus which were definitely due March 1st, the latter being originally due December 15th, are being further delayed, and the last infor­mation with respect to the prospectus 1b that it may be released by the week of March 22nd, but probably the week of March 29th. When these are prepared, the District proposes to send them to some sixty bond houses, together with an invitation for bids, and to allow at least two weeks for receipt of such bids. They then anticipate that many of the bids will con­tain numerous conditions and will require considerable analysis, which they believe will consume at least two or three weeks. Apparently both Mr. Campbell and Mr. Beebe are somewhat fearful about the prospects of the sale of the bonds, for rea­sons not given to me, and they anticipate the necessity of some Intensive sales talks and sales campaign. In addition, you will recall that they will have to secure Congressional legislation for right of way for the exist­ing pipe line from Lake Mead to Henderson, and the proposed pipe lines from Manganese to Las Vegas. The former never was covered by any evidence of title over the government land. They seem to be unnecessarily worried about how such Congres­sional legislation should be handled, being fearful that if they have it handled through one of the Nevada Senators or the Nevada Congressman, the other Senator or Congressman might take offense. Personally, I think they are unnecessarily worried as I am sure Senator McCarron would be the man to handle it, and I am sure that Senator Malone would not be temperamentally Inclined to take offense if Senator McCarron handled it. 1 They are also mulling over the employment of some nationally known firm of certified public accountants and haven’t made up their minds yet just what firm they will employ, although here again I think they are making a mountain out of a mole hill. ?