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Mr. R. E . W e lls , # £ j March 19, 1909. my rep o rt I expressed the opinion th at by so nursing the pipe i t would probably la s t at le a s t a year lon ger and since Mr. iundholm, as quoted by Mr. Davisson, rep orts having discovered in his recent in sp ection but f i v e leaks in the p ip e . it seems th at the pipe has s t i l l some l i f e l e f t . We w i l l soon have to fa ce the n e c e s s ity o f e ith e r renewing the pipe lin e or su b stitu tin g some other w ater system fo r Vegas Yard. In view o f th e fa c t th at th ere is p len ty o f good water ly in g at com paratively shallow depth below the ground th ere i t seems to me that i t w i l l be w e ll when th e p ip e plays out to put down a w e ll near th e tack and abandon taking water from the Springs that i s i f we consider on ly ra ilro a d requirements. I think we should then ra is e the tank on .higher columns to g iv e g re a te r head. The w ater from the w e ll could be ra ised to th e tank by pump or a ir pressure, the la t t e r would probably be p re fe ra b le as we w i l l have a la r g e compressor in th e new Shops. In the meantime to increase the. pressure at the depot fo r the purpose o f e x p e d itio u s ly w atering tra in s i t seems t o me the proper way, i f con sid erab le head is requ ired, that a steam pump connected •with the s e rv ic e lin e and supplied e ith e r from the main or tank should be u sed.. As pointed out, the present head could be increas ed i f w ater were taken d ire c t from th e main, by c lo s in g the v a lve from the main to the tank every time tra in s were watered. The present s e rv ic e lin e along the tracks is probably too sm all to admit o f s e v e ra l ears being ra p id ly watered at the same time as i t is , I b e lie v e , but th ree inches. I t fu rth er seems to me that whatever is done now in the m atter