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Las Vegas, Hevada, September 3, 1936. Mr. R. L. Adamson; In regard to the water that may be developed by the new w ell that is being d r ille d at Las Vegas, I would like to have some information. I have been requested to f i l e an application with the State Engineer for permission to appropriate water from the Las Vegas artesian basin through this new w ell. As you know, we have righ ts approved by said State Engineer, under Permits 7200, 7201, 7202, as follow s; For municipal supply, 2.3 c . f . s ; fo r railroad purposes, 2 . 5 c . f . s . ; and fo r irrig a tio n and domestic use, 1 . 8 8 c . f . s . These permits covered only the water developed by the w ell that was d rille d in 1924® In addition to the amount of water flowing from that w e ll, the records show that there is now flowing from the springs 2.98 c . f . s . The amounts applied^ fo r in the above applications were based upon the assumption that there was 6 .6 8 c . f . s . flowing from said w e ll, but the present flow of said well is 4.33 c . f . s . The amount to be applied fo r in the contemplated applications on the new w e ll w i ll depend upon the amount o f water developed thereby, and in order to determine the amount to be applied fo r fo r municipal purposes and fo r irrig a tio n purposes respectively, we w ill have to know the amount necessary fo r railroad purposes. The prin cipal purpose o f th is le tte r is to ascertain from your o ffic e whether or not the 2.5 c. f . s. of water now applicable to railroad purposes is su fficien t fo r present and future uses 9 and i f not please advise tlie aMOunt you deem necessary fo r such purposes. I I am informed that the meter measurements for June, 1936, show there was a d aily average of 5.15 c . f . s . used fo r municipal purposes, and that the 1935 average fo r municipal purposes was 3.846 c . f . s . per day. The consequence of the high use o f water in June was that while the railro ad company received it s supply by drawing on the vested rights from the