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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Jan. 31, 1951. DIGEST OF DEBATE OVER WATER RATES. CITY HALL AUDITORIUM Commissioners present: Bunker, Pecolle and Whipple. City Manager Shelley, absent: Moore and Cragin, audience: 150, men and women. Meeting opened about 8:10, Commissioner Whipple as<M.C. Commissioner Whipple opened with a statement of why the meeting was called, namely, to find out if the city residents desired to protest the rate increase and ask the PSC to investigate, That the utility had no franchise. That the recent exploration of pumping additional wells seemed to show that 3s MGD of increased water production was possible. That there is a large waste of water. That the utility wants to put on meters. That the utility charges for furnish­ing service to new subdivisions, requiting the land owner to pay, and then get a percentage of his money back over a 10 year period-after which utility owns the pipe. Also, that there were arguments both pro and con in the matter. So, the meeting will be thrown open for discussion- one at a time and await your turn if more than one stands simultaneously. He then read extracts, from the new rate schedule- 62 classifications of flat rates. Fire hydrants to be free, and one free city drinking fountain. As to extensions, when over 50 feet, requires a contract with the utility covering the cost of the pipe, with a 33% rebate on all water bills off the system for 10 years, then pipe belongs to utility. Whipple asked for an intelligent discussion, 1st Speaker: Look at North Las Vegas, same rates as Las Vegas, and the profits of the water system have paid for all the pavement, etc. in the city. York: Wants records of the relationship of the L&W Co to RR Co. so details of income can be studied, Referring to the 62 classified rates, it would take a legal staff to rule on what a "room" is; and a squad of inspectors to count the plumbing facilities in each house. Young: Wants copies of financial statements. Wrote to the PSC and was told to send $35 for photostats- this he would not do l too much8 In absence of records, thinks statements of revenue will not show cause for increase. Says his engi­neer friends have told him that there is plenty of water underground I Doc Ladd: (Enjoyed the floor, and said so.) Crabbed about the Power Co charging him §400 for an extension to some land he has. Says L&W Co. are squatters in the city;streets and alleys; poo-pooed the hourly watering schedules; says water belongs to the people; not to the corporation. The Octupus runs things here in the water business. They never have had a Hydraulic Engineer- need one badly, for advice and to survey the situation of supply etc, 'ork: Objected to giving utility a pipe system and then paying them a return on the pipe as capital cost ( I doubt this -HFC) (Historical cost is all the PSC allows as capital in a rate ease-HFC) Cantrell: Asks why utility will not give"financial data to anyone who asks for it. Whipple answers, gently, that there may be many reasons, as well as propriety, (.Just then the heat blowers were turned on and no one could hear a word) Andy(?); Here is a resolution of the Taxpayers League, Inc. protesting the raise and asking, for the PSC to investigate. (Mix up on Roberts' Rules of Order) - However, this Taxpayers resolution was passed, and likewise a similar one,from those assembled.