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Las Vegas City Ordinances, March 31, 1933 to October 25, 1950, lvc000014-215


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    confirmation and of the date thereof, to the County Assessor, acting ex-officio City Ass­essor, and said ex-officio City Assessor shall thereupon, without extra compensation, record the said assessment roll as in the Charter provided, and append thereto his certificate of the date of such recording. Whereupon from said date all persons shall be deemed to have notice of the contents of the same and when said roll is so endorsed and recorded, it shall be prima facia evidence in all courts and tribunals of the regularity of all proceedings prelim­inary to the making thereof, and of the validity of said assessments and assessment roll, by the Board of City Commissioners/ after the said special assessment roll has been confirmed and recorded, the several amounts levied thereon, shall be due and payable and shall consti- tute and be a lien upon the respective lots and parcels of land and improvement assessed, and shall be charged against the persons and properties until paid. Section 4. That as soon as the said special assessment roll, as provided for in Section 3 of this ordinance, shall have been confirmed and recorded, the several amounts con­tained therein and levied on and against the properties therein, shall be due and payable at once, and shall be paid to the County Treasurer and ex-officio Tax Receiver of the County of Clark, State of Nevada, ex-officio Treasurer and Tax Receiver of the City of Las Vegas, and be by that officer paid into and credited to the special fund to be known as and called "Las Vegas 1945 Ninth Street; Third and Fourth Street Alley; Carson-Fremont Alley Fund ", and all costs and expenses incurred in making said improvements, as in this ordinance contained, shall be charged and paid out of said fund. Provided, however, that in the event it becomes necessary to draw on the general fund of the City of Las Vegas to defray any of the costs and expenses of making any of said improvements, except as otherwise provided for by the Char­ter of the City of Las Vegas, that the said General Fund shall be reimbursed by transfer of funds from said "Las Vegas, 1945, Ninth Street; Third and Fourth Street Alley; Carson-Fremont Alley Fund" as soon as the condition of the same will permit. And provided further, that where there shall be lands belonging to the City, public grounds not taxable abutting on such improvements, or such improvements shall be made upon interior squares or spaces, formed by the intersection of streets and spaces opposite alleys, such part of the expense of such improvements, as in the opinion of the Board or Assessor making such special assessments, would be justly apportionable to such public ground, and City property, and to any interior squares or spaces formed by the intersection of streets where the abutting property is tax­able, shall be paid from the General Fund, or be stood and borne by the City of Las Vegas, and the balance of such expense shall be assessed upon the taxable lots included in such special assessment district in proportion to the estimated benefits resulting thereto from the im­provement. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and adoption and publication for a period of two (2) weeks, that is to say, once each week in the Las Vegas Morning Tribune______________, a daily newspaper published in the City of Las Vegas. Section 6. The City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas is hereby authorized and directed to have this Ordinance No. 294_____published for two (2) weeks, that is to say once each week for two (2) successive weeks in the Las Vegas Morning Tribune______________, a daily newspaper published in the City of Las Vegas. Passed and adopted this 7th day of February_______, A.D., 194 5 , by the follow­ing vote of the Board of City Commissioners: Voting Aye: Commissioners Bates, Corradetti, Smith and His Honor. Mayor Cragin.______________ Voting No : None__________________________________________________________________________ Absent * Commissioner Clark_____________________________________________________________ First Reading 2/7__________________,1945. Approved this 7th day of February______,1945. _______Signed: E. W. Cragin________________________ Mayor of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada ATTEST: Signed: Helen Scott Reed City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NEVADA) ss COUNTY OF CLARK)