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I \ B elaying P o rtio n o f Water Main, Las Vegas, Hegada.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Los A n geles, C a l i f . , Oot. 14, 1921 P i l e 6 1 3 MS. S. P . CHILE!: ' / ' j ? I have copy of Mr. Barry’ s f i l e D-303 o f th^-i2th inst. defining aacounting practise requested by your jq in t telegram of As a r e s u lt o f in v e s tig a tio n conducted by V alu ation Engr. Perkins in co-op era tion w ith A ssistan t Engr. Bates to determine the led g er value o f p rop erty to be rep laced f t has been concluded th at th is p ro je c t, comprises la y in g 1372 l i e . f t . o f 16” ca t iro n pipe in r e - placement o f 16" v i t r i f i e d pipe encased in r e in fo rc e d concrete la id in 1918 under APB 1965, in stea d o f JAying 14" oast ir o n p ip e in replacement o f 18" wood stave p ip e a#, described in yortr telegram . In v e s tig a tio n proves th at th is s e c tio n o f 18” wood stave lin e P rop erty Account, was w r itte n out under AFE 1965, being rep laced w ith 16" v i t r i f i e d lin e . T h erefo re, from an accounting standpoint, i t i s now necessary to r e t i r e the 16” v i t r i f i e d lin e . Prom a p h y sica l standpoint, the 18" wood stave lin e charged Operating Expenses in 1907 w i l l be rep la ced by 16" oast ir o n p ip e . Howev e r, i t is eviden t that th is f a c t o r i s not in v o lv e d In the accounting tra n sa ctio n now under con sid era tion . In conclusion, perm it me to d ir e c t your a tte n tio n to APB’ s 2354 and 2982 fo r re p la c in g 6600 lin e a l fe a t o f th is v i t r i f i e d lin e the 10th in s t % was charged Operating Expenses in 1907 under AFE 671 in renewal o f 18" r iv e te d s t e e l p ip e lin e la id jt n 1905. She or ig in s .l P8"vl,:tee 1 lin e , the valu e o f which remained in in 1918 and 1920. Those p r o je c ts form precedent f o r replacement now proposed as w e ll as g iv in g le d g e r value u n it cost o f v i t r i f i e d lin e §1.921 per lin e a l fo o t in clu d in g a l l Expenses. cc - Mr. Barry Mr. Perkins | A ssista n t C h ief Engineer