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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2* All wt«r tsl ester rights eppurteaant to sold lout nr* hereby exsepted from this eonreyaaee sad are reserved by Orantor. 3# tfc» fas film title to say sad all seal, Oil-aed othsr minerals with is or underlying said land. Intending thereby say sad oil inorganis subatanees (ineluftlng oil ml as torsi gas) now known to exist or hereafter dissevered open or beneath the surface. her* lug sufficient mine, separated from their sites as a part of the earth* t© be mined, pipedt piamped, ©ear* rled, dag or otherwise removed for their own sake, or their own apeeifte uses, is hereby exeepted from this eonveyanee and reserved by Cnintor, it being the intention- of the Creator to convey surface right# only, And Creator hereby reserves the perpetual and exelesive right to remora any and all such substances, the earth ©r other setter ©©staining imit# neeeesary or " cos vanleat in the remora! thereof| it being understood, howerer, that neither las Vsgss Lend and Water Company, nor its sueeessere, grantees or assize, shall here the right t© use any ©f the eurfaee of said lend and that the milling and removing ef said substeaass shell be oarrled ©a in such a way as not to damage the surfaee or said land or to interfere with the use ef the surfaee m ftldtiaiii by the Croat*©*, their heirs, areas tors, administrators or assigns* 4* An easement for the flow ©f the waters in Lae yeges Creek, along Its natural course aeroee eald Lend, is hereby reserved by Creator* 5* It is understood that Orantor hes suffered • portion of the raee track constructed by the City of Las Teges end the fence surrounding said raee traek to encroach upon the land hereby eonveyed, and this eonreyanse is made subject to mte encroachment*. 6. This eonveyanee is made sub jest to the following easements and Xlosnsss heretofore granted by Grantor, to-witi 9 (a) An easement dated Las Vegas Land asl 5ter i If 37, from to The State of Hevada, B| the purpose of constructing. l«7ing <md aaiat.laing a drsiuag. pip, IfiJ asross a portion of the premises hereby eoa« ?sysdj <b) An••?•mat Auguat 15, 1932, from U> Vegas Land and Water Company to The City of .3*