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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V ( t o p y ) AIRMAIL January 2 1, 1947 85-4 Mr. R. E. Marks 159 North Virginia St., Reno, Nevada Dear Ray: I enclose copy of letter received from Mr. Polger in connection with proposed bill to repeal the Water Meter Law. It might be well for you to talk to Senator Baker and in your talk with him, you might tell him that two years ago when this matter was under consideration, that the Las Vegas delegation would not take any active part until they secured Instructipns from the Las VegaChamber of Commerce and since Mr. Baker is Chairman of the Legis­lative Committee of the.Las Vegas Chamber of Commence, he might be able to get some results down there* Very truly yours, E. E. Bennett EEB:VE Enel.