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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. L. A, Whites ( oo - Mr* tta, Reinhardt Mr* Charles Adam) Las Wstgtt - March 29, 19^9 | M Is accordance with your letter dune h, 1948, I S helm? forecast of receipts and expenditures for Second Quarter of if%i M m u B S 1949 APE JUS Cottages - Lota and Lands Roo® Rentals Water Collections W * 111 S i 1 m 16,C0C 18,50705 Mis# - lies? Conns, Etc* 150 200 W0-54O, Charleston Square 1,5X0 9*300 V M p I c Mayf&lr Slock % 3,170 wo-597* ioOUtt slock 5 3,Sto Ladd’s HOLock 5, Water Main 2*0X0 i s i s f m m m m mam 8 1 0 Rooming House m 1#050 Maint Pistr Mains 1*050 1,200 (Nnespsl Espens* 2*250 2,350 WW0O--559^?0,* Charleston Square V/0-61&, MoLUtt Block 5 Bonanza Village 1,250 z*$m 1,560 Ladd’s Slock 5, Water Main W*30G $ j § 8 The above forecast Is on a cash Lasts and does sot include revenues frees payroll deduoti mm for roon rentals, or expense for #Rent of Pip# Lina#*, which are inter-co*:any transact!oral* A . .S. Ifclger