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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - May 18, 1944 W 33*3 Honorable I* W, Cragin Mayor of Lae Vegas Las Vegas, Sereda Dear Sirt / Is looking over tbe connection for new Bed Cross Bailding in City Park this morning, question arose as to whether there was a connectlow between the City Well in rear of horse barns and the City Mala where water is delivered through meter is front of City Hall at Fifth and Stewart* As near as 2 can determine there is a direct connection between these two sources of supply* It is my understanding that the pump is shut-off on the City fell at night and it is possible for the water from the City mains to then flow into the City fell* This is undesirable for several reasons* As it not only increases the City bill for water furnished through the meter, but also takes water from the City main that is badly needed at this time of the year. This condition can be corrected by Installing a 4* check valve on the Citf fell so that the water can flow out of this well but cannot flow back into it* The cost of such valve is very nominal and it would more than pay for itself in a short time* We will appreciate it very such if you will arrange for this installation* Sincerely yours, WAlTESf K BRAKES