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4 \ i i % ' h l - n t S u b jeet:* - - - Sale o f Land to Hawkins Land & Water g o . Las Vegas, Hevada, July 12th, 1920 Mr. C.H. Bloom, S ecretary, Las Vegas Land & Water Co., Los Angeles,' Cal. Lear S ir : Acknowledging r e c e ip t o f your l e t t e r o f July 8th, f i l e 9215-E-57, above subject, I beg to advise th at c le a r in g has alread y been done on th is land and i t is now being surveyed fo r a su b -d ivisio n . I b e lie v e i t would be benef i c i a l to the R ailroad Company f o r the land to be sub-divided as Mr. Hawkins proposes, p ro v id e d ,' however, the East and West s tr e e ts Couth o f Garcia S treet be continued to our rig h t-o f-w a y lin e , As Mr.Adams s ta te s , th is is in lin e with su b -d ivisio n p ra c tic e s . Mr.Hawkins, I understand, now has the m atter up o f d iv e r tin g Main S treet b efo re the C ity Commissioners and they w i l l grant the same as the n e c e s s ity fo r in d u s tria l s ite s is in creasin g and our ground is about a l l taken up. I think we should rent but one more s it e on our rig h t-o f-w a y Korth o f the Union O il Co.; that is g e ttin g rath er clo se to our Lepot 3?ark and S tation grounds. As requested in your le t t e r , I have herewith examined and approved on back o f deed. ? W ill you k in d ly rush th is along as fa s t as you can, as the money has been in escrow fo r settlem ent in f u l l fo r some days. Yours tru ly , '?^RB/mcp V ice P resid en t & Agent