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    T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F I O W A Department of Anthropology I O W A C I T Y , I O W A 5 2 2 4 0 April 17, 1973 Dear Charles: Good to have your l e t t e r . This is ju s t a note to acknowledge it* I ‘m glad th a t yc$ w ill be able to get to Falcon H ill a f te r May 6, I am coming out to the S.A.A. m eetings, so you might a t w ell hold your ou tline and estim ate u n til th en , and we can ta lk i t over th e re . I ' l l be staying a t the Sheraton Palace. Jim w ill be happy to know th a t we are going to get on i t and g et i t fin ish e d . I know how busy you must be, because I know the ra t-ra c e I am in . But th is w ill be a major p u b licatio n fo r us. Looking forward to s e e in g you in S.F. As e v e r,