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    1 -7 3 3 4 w LVL&WCo. R esolu tio n (W ater w e ll on LV Ranch) On motion duly seconded, i t was RESOLVED, th at the a c tio n o f V ice Presiden t Reinhardt on b e h a lf o f th is Company In executing agreement C .L.D . No, 8855 dated October 18, 1948, w ith B arber-B rid ge D r i l li n g Corp. L t d ., coverin g the d r i l l i n g and completion o f one 16-inch water w e ll, lo c a te d upon th is Company*s Las Vegas Ranch, s a id w e ll to be d r i l l e d to depth o f approxim ately 850 f t . ; work to be commenc­ed w ith in t h ir t y days from and a f t e r October 18, 1948; Land Company to pay to C ontractors -- M a te ria l cost o f approxim ately '60* o f 20” conductor pipe a t $4.96 per l i n . / ft .; For d r i l l i n g and casin g 16-inch w e ll to depth not exceeding 900*, in c lu d in g cost o f p la c in g 20B conductor pipe and cement­in g same, a l l la b o r , m a te ria ls , t o o ls , machinery, and other in c id e n ta l work, , except as otherwise s p e c ifie d , $>16.10 per f o o t ; i f w e ll i s d r i l l e d and cased to depth in excess o f 900*, the sum o f $16.60 per fo o t in excess o f 900*; For t e s t in g and developing the w e ll up to minimum o f 1800 g a l s , per minute f o r p e rio d o f 30 h ours, the stun o f $900; i f a d d itio n a l te s tin g time i s re q u ire d , the sum o f $9.00 per hour fo r each hour over and above 30 hours; b e , and the same i s h ereby, r a t i f i e d , approved and confirm ed. A true copy. A t t e s t : (S gd) W. H. Johnson, S ecretary Adopted