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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LAS VEGAS MOTEL ASSOCIATION, INC. P,Q. Box 286 Telephone 2291 Las Vegas, Nevada August Lth, 19^9 Public S rvioe Commission Coaf rNseovna dCai,ty, Nevada, Gentlemen: l am again writing to you On Behalf of the Las Vegas Motel Association, Xne*, in regard to the dlsorlminatory water rates charge Boyf tthhee wLaast erV egcaosm pLaanny dh a&v eW ataedrv iCsoe.d, meof tLhaast yVoeugras ,c oNmemviasdsai.o n, Tmhae nyo fyfelaerie* Baugon,g alruolwe cdo utrhta.t a motel should he charged the same wat er rate as a Tenants of a Bungalow court usually rent the premises on a month-to-month Basis, Generally, the Building Itself is either a separate unit for each family, or, at the moat, the building may cone ocfl udtiwon gu nai tkei.t cheTnh,e unTihet iltasnedslcfa puisnuga lgleyn ecroanlslisyt cso onsfi sstesv eroafl mororoem sl,a wnin ­a shrubs than that attributed to each unit of a motel. It frequently 1 occupied By more than one or two persons. transient Agu mesott,e l Tuhnei t unoint st hae reo tfhreerq uheanntdl yis aluls ulaolclay teodcc iunp ioende B yBu ial din aonned Beaatchh usneirtv inogon stiwaot su npitrsi.ncipally of one room plus the Bath, frequen In view of the fact that your ruling was made many years ag WBeesftoreren tShtea tmeost,e l itB ecuanmdeo uab tpeedrlmya wnaesn ta dionpsttietdu toino na itrni atlh e Baesciosn.o my Ito fn oowur seems clear that this ruling should Be rescinded. matter has OBure eans sdoicsicautsisoend iosn ncuommbpeorsoeuds oof ccaabsoiuotn s1 00a t meomubre rmse etainndg st.h is It issa met hwea tgeenre rraatle caosn sean shuost elo f Beocpaiunsieo n oft hatth e a smiomtiella risthyo ubledt Bwee ecnh atrhge etdw ot,he Both as to the general construction features, the accommodations offered and the type of guest to whom these accommodations are rented. A hotel and a motel are Both innkeepers whereas this is not time of a Bungalow eourt.