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m Chairman to preside Represent Obmaittee Quorum- Ad journ-meat Election of Officers • Tern Vacancies president Vice- Presidents secretary Section 4. The Chairman o f Executive Committee shall preside at its meetings, and, suojeot to the control and approval of the Committee, shall represent it when not in session, and shall report to the Committee. Section 5. Two members of the Obmmlttee shall constitute a quorum. I f a quorum he not present at any meeting, the member of the Committee present may adjourn the meeting until a later day or hour, and a minute of such adjournment shall be entered on the records by the secretary; or the member or members present, whether constituting a quorum or not, at hie or their option, shall have the power to appoint a substitute or substitutes from the members of the Board of Directors to aot during the temporary absenes of any member or members of the committee. ARTICLE IV Officers and Agents Section 1. At the first regular meeting of the Board of Directors after the annual election, the Board shall elect from its members a President, and shall also elect two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Auditor and such other officers as the Board of Directors shall determine. The officere so elected shall hold their offices for the term of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified., Any vacancy occurring in any of the above offices may be fille d for the unexpired term by the Board of Directors. {Amended Hovember 13, 1938.) Section 3, The President shall, subject to the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, have personal supervision and control of the business of the Company, and shall sign a ll such instruments of contract and conveyance as shall have been approved by the Board of Directors. He shall, either In person or by such representatives as he shall deal gnats, approve a ll pay-rolle and other accounts payable, and shall discharge such other duties as my be imposed by the Srerd of Directors. section 3. In the absence of the President from his office or during his disability, the Vice-Presidents shall perform the duties of the President. They shall have the general charge and oversight of the business of the Company under the direction of the Board of Directors, Executive committee and the President, and subject to such rules and restrictions as they may prescribe. They shall also discharge such other duties as may be Imposed by the Board of Directors. (Amended Hovember 13,, 1938.) Section 4„ The Secretary shall act as secretary of a ll meetings of the stockholders, of the Board of Dlreotors, and of the Executive Committee and shall keep fu ll records of the proceedings thereof, and shall attest and affix the seal o f the Company to a ll suoh instruments of contract and conveyance as c c