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    CONGRESSIONAL RECORD April 21, 195^ /conveyance of certain public LANDS TO CITY OF HENDERSON, NEV. Mr. McCARRAN. Mr. President, at the request of the mayor and city coun­cil of the city of Henderson, Nev., I in­troduce, for appropriate reference, a bill to provide for the conveyance of certain public lands to that city. Henderson was a city created by the Federal Government during World War H when they constructed and operated the basic magnesium plant located adja­cent to the present city. Several years ago this city became a State municipal­ity, when at my insistence the basic mag­nesium installation, instead of being scrapped, was sold to the State of Nevada. Its facilities are now being used to the fullest extent by several chemical and manufacturing companies engaged in the production of scarce and strategic materials which are going directly into our defense efforts. At the time the now city of Henderson was created it was not contemplated that it would be a permanent installa- ! tion; therefore, no provision was made for its future expansion arising from, first, the continued activities of the BMI facilities; or, second, the normal growth in the area. Consequently, the city now finds itself in the' position where it can not expand its industrial or residential areas, nor provide needed parks and playgrounds for the benefit of the city’s children and other citizens. The bill which I have introduced pro­vides that certain described lands adja­cent to the present city limits Of the city of Henderson shall be turned over to that municipality at a price to be fixed by appraisal by the Secretary of the interior. Therefore, the point which I wish to emphasize is, that while this bill covers the transfer of public lands, such ; lands will only be transferred to the municipality after payment therefor. • Because the city has been growing it i has outstripped its tax base for the sup- | port of needed municipality operations, v Therefore, my bill would provide that i the city would pay the appraised .price 1 for this land over a period of time. The bill further. provides that the transfer of title shall not affect any valid I existing rights now imposed on the sub- | ject lands. Mr. President, I hope that the com- f; mittee having jurisdiction over this bill will expedite its consideration and re­s' port it as soon as it is practicable to do so. I believe that their investigation of ; the matter will show the great merits of i this proposed piece of legislation. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The bill will be received and appropriately referred. The bill (S. 3332) to provide for the j conveyance of certain public lands to * the city of Henderson, Nev., introduced ;? by Mr. McCarran, was received, read , twice by its title, and referred to the ’> Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. wHHHil___;________1