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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hr. James M. Montgomery 2. June 26, 1952 An amount was also added to cover #77 serv­ice connections installed during the period,Jan* uary 1, 1951* to Hay 1* 1952, which resulted la a total amount of #22,311* to which was added 6.3593$ to cover overhead percentages, resulting in a total of §23,730. The additions for the pried, January 1, 1951* to May 1* 1952, were discussed by Mr. Maag on June 20, 1952, with Mr. ^berle, of your office, and Mr. JSberle agreed that it would be satisfactory to show the total amount covering the above mentioned additions in the columns headed ^District*. Mr. Maag explained to Mr. Sfeerl® how these figures were de­veloped. feu will please note that the amounts shown in the statement are exclusive of the following: 1. Value of land and water rights. 2. Value of automotive, shop and other equipment. 3. Value of material and supplies on hand. 4. doing concern value. Very truly yours, m . Reinhardt