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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, March 1, 1922 to May 10, 1929, lvc000002-98


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    From the roll call the voting results were as follows: Commissioners A.R. Anderson, C.R. Shield and W.H. Elwell and His Honor the Mayor, W.C. German, voting Aye. Noes, none. Commissioner W.E. Arnold absent. Thereupon the Clerk read for the first time two suggested ordinances for pro- posed ordinance No. 102 of the City of Las Vegas, entitled "An Ordinance to amend Section 6 of Ord. No. 77, entitled "An Ordinance to Prohibit gaming in the City of Las Vegas, without first obtaining a license therefor, regulating the same, fixing the amount of such license, providing a penalty therefor, and repealing all Ordinances in conflict therewith', and to amend said Ordinance No. 77 by adding two new sections thereto to be known as Sections 6a and 6b respectively, and to repeal all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict with said amendments." After considera­ble discussion action on said proposed ordinances was deferred until some future time. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, it was ordered that the Board adjourn until the next regular meeting to be held on the 4th day of September, A.D. 1923. and confirmed. Section 7. That the provisions of this resolution and order and each of the bonds issued and delivered pursuant hereto, shall be and do constitute, and the same are hereby declared to be a binding and irrevocable contract between said City and pur­chaser and holder or holders of said bonds from time to time. Section 8: That all resolutions and orders or parts thereof of this Board in con­flict with the provisions hereof, or which might in any manner prevent the issuance or delivery or impair the validity of said bonds be and the same are hereby repealed, rescinded and annulled and this resolution and order shall be irrepealable until the in­debtedness hereby created both as to principal and interest, shall by said City have been fully paid, certified and discharged. Approved this 27th day of August, A.D. 1923.