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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    SENT'BV:Xerox Teleflfeier 7021 ;10-25-S5 ! 7:55 BALDYQA/SANDCASTLE- 2136565555;# 2 I have tried to watch the show from various perspectives -- sometimes from the eyes of the audience, and other times trying to concentrate on either music or lights, etc. I watched the entire show from numerous stationary positions in the house ?╜ front, middle and rea* as well as center and side. I have also watched from backstage on the deck as well as at the loading gallery elevation. I now have a pretty good feeling for what's happening when and why, not only from the front of ise but for the cast and crew as well Great cast and crew by the way .Great spirit I have organize hservations, and thoughts regarding areas which could be worked on, in a rather "grid". I am reluctantly including a copy for your review I say "relucta -use there are many things which I can explain much better in person than i Also, because the purpose of the notes to identify any areas which coui ention. 1 fell v if I wrot*?? a 91 grid with everything great abou it would be ten time ban what's attached! Please reac biectively and in the quiet of youi own time I look forward to discussing th ith you, Anyway, at the end of the A jffiu are the creator of the show, Your artistic discretion is absolute Please don't e\ ink about trying to mod of your t] oughts to please me ?╜ and please don't worry about being careful about b m react b 4es My thoughts are intended simply as food for thought In closing, I must say that the show ovei is beyond my greatest expectations. Jerry, you have done a tremendous, world class job., THANK YOU! Sincerely