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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20 2 1 22 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 W M . R. JUN 28 1956 C.L,©. HO* 1829© m m AaRlSMEMT, made i»i. entorod into this________ day of__________________ , 1956* fey 10$ h m W L m k S A M M K I RAIIBOAD COMPANY and ita lessee, taild PACIFIC RAXUtOAD COMPANY, Utah corporations, M S VSOAS M 1 U AMS SAJIS COMPANY, a Nevada corpora­tion (hereinafter collectively called "First Parties”), and M S VISAS YAXLEY MATER DISTRICT, a public corporation created and existing pursuant to the provision* af Chapter 16? af the 19^7 Statutes af Nevada sa amend ad fey Chapter 130 af the Statute* af Nevada aid aa anemSed fey Chapter 307 af the 1931 Statute* af Nevada, Second Party {hereinafter senetimes ealled "District*), RSCXTAL8 fender date af June 1, 1953, the pertiea hereto entered into a certain agreement wherein and whereby the First Parties agreed ta aell ta the District eertaln real property, together with all the eater and rlghta to water rlaing upon or flowing from any wells or springs thon or thereafter legated upon aald real property and all water production, atorago, transmission and distrifeutlon facilities, In*lading certain easements and rights-of-way, all aa more particularly doacrifeod in aald contract• Soction 5 of aald contact provided for certain work, eonaiatlcg (among othar things) of tho conatmction of certain pipe llnea, reloeatlon of power lines, removal of eertaln pipe lines and certain power llnea, ta be done at the expense af the District, Said Section 5 furthar provides as follows* *Xt is agreed fey the parties hereto that the esti­mated cost of tho work to feo performed pursuant to this Soction 5, exclusive of sitporvlsion and engineering, la