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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Z P ' - r i i La« Veg«s - Hey 4, 1954 » 26 E E MM » 1954 Mr* Harry I* Millar, &eer«t«ry 1a « Vegas Valley Water District 9a© South fifth street has Vegas, Itev&ds Dear Mr* filler! f M a refers to your letter of May 4* 1954, roaiiostitig &4viae aft to whether the det# of May 10* X#S4* is agreeftblft to for a meeting between your eeeeeft tints feiilt the auditors of this Company 1ft ®y office at 4©1 South Seftftftd Street* Lae Vegas * Reenaft* Fleas# he advised that the date of flay 10* 195h* is agreeable to *i@ and all arrangements have he#n mde for our auditor# to b# present at this meeting* It km# bmmm arranged for our auditors to hate all euptwsEPtinfS data available to check f*m amount of 12,29?,116.14 due the La* ¥eg*s Land and Water ©omp&ny a® of ^t.n«s.ry 31, 1954> ft* »hown la statement attached to Mr, Bennett's letter Jo |gg Thanes’A. Cambell dated grtt shook additional amounts to br i»ng* !th&i»s «s tja-tfejme£n5t ®up^ ptlo eadsaete aorfr aMngaer ctho Mha v1e9 5t*h.e D•istr ic«t**® athcecroeufnotraen,t s #thjogrroeu«g#hnlty 3 .fta*m«iHl* i1a1r3l4y2® dtahetmeed edluvnese 1, 1953, ootween the water Company and the District and some prepaid, to meet with our auditors and reach eft agreement aft to the amounts due this Company m of the above men­tioned dates at the earliest possible moment* very truly yeurt* DSls#|p ooi Mr* Mr* Hr* Mr* ur. A* . tfM, W* II* 1* 1# , Beinhsrdt B* Bouse M. Sutton I* Bennett /f A L u ^ U *• Itemg J/