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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Vegas * A p ril 26, 1951 ¥ 9*1-3 Mr* hm A* white* Keferring to Ijgjj nailgrea $-52 of April 19# 19J1# concerning HT* MoGafferty1# report of inventory o f material and. supplies aa Of Deoeaber 31, 1951* Sevada Construction Company's invoice referred to covered the oonstruatloa o f ' a la rg o ©onorei# Yolo# box a t ?a * Sgareet and Charleston B ird * , but d id aot include labor f o r the taro a& allsr valve boxes, the f^araw and valves fo r which a rt on band although the east was ca p ita lize d under ¥0 625* «# a r « now in re ce ip t of au thority to reopen the « * Order la order to o a p lta llse ©oat of the te e s and l a t e la s ta ilin g the pressure re gulating valve#* When th is work has eanpleted# m w ill drop th is m aterial fre e our HQ® stock and report w on our monthly le t t e r as you suggest* . ¥e K i l l fo u la rd o rig in a l Annuel. inventory# fo m 128, as o f A p r il 3$# 1951# a# soon thereafter as possible* w* H* Johnson