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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    L&s Vegas - V f p 1952 Hr* wfi* Reinhardt *» Los Angeles oo t iftet Y* S* Bennett ., Confirming conversation concerning request of Young & Smith Heady Mix Concrete Company for reconsideri.tlon of rate for water used at its r©£.dy*»mix concrete plant* In the ahaonce of a classification for ready-nlx plants, we *4ve heretof >re aplied the rate of 5 cents per cubic yard a-:pllOitble to concrete work, which rate »s Increased to 6 cents, effective September 1, 1952* He^dy-ai^ concrete requires an average of bo gallons of water rer cuoio yard and with a 25$ allowance for cleaning up# * : . -r i ’,: '? '-u our-current rate, of 6 cents produces a return of apprerdmately . §1*20 per 1000 gallons, as Caspars'• with an average' rate of 10 cents per 1000 gallons for ill classes of service* At Mr* Bennett*s* request, X •?'lisctissed this subject with., Mr. Young of Young & Smith and agreed to recommend suftniaelon to the Public' Service Commission of a st^yleaental tariff m covering water for ready-nix plants, with rates as follows* Ready-,Mia. Concrete Plants. 1000 c*y* capacity or less s» §10.00 p-r month 1001 c*y* to 2500 |||| capacity 25*00 per month Bver 25 o o.y. capacity 50.00 par nonth ? Yhe abov* rates will produce a return of approxiru&ely \20. cents "-jail one lull are eatisfaetory to'nr. Young* , Johnson