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    San Pedro, L os A ngeles & Salt L ake R ailroad Company H T. E. GIBBON, General Counsel. C. O. WHITTEMORE, General Attorney. . *• Kiel Ranch...,, OFFICE OFhENERAt*ATTORNEY Dec 3rd, 1904. Mr. J, Ross Clark, Second Vice President, Los Angeles, Cal. Dear Mr. Clark:- I have yours of Nov. 29th relative to lease of Kiel Ranch hy Mrs. Bishop, and in accordance with your suggestion have written Mrs. Bishop requesting her to vacate as soon as possible and meanwhile to allow the new tenant to take possession and commence his work and make repairs. I have also written Dr. Bracken informing him of the contents of my letter to Mrs., Bishop and suggesting that he see her at once in regard to the matter, I do not believe that Mrs. Bishop will make us any trouble but if she refuses to vacate as requested I will take the necessary legal steps to compel her to do so. Yours very respectfully,