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    October I 92g. Statements - Special. Mr. Dana T,Smith, l4 l6 Dodge street, Omaha, Mebr&ska. Dear Danas In the courae of my oross-examlnatiQn and sometimes in the preparation of direct testimony I have had occasion to desire the average weights of numerous commodities handled by the Union P acific System, and I have generally found upon an attempt to secure that information at once that the Audit­ing Department did not have the figu res available. Some time ego, therefore, I requested a statement to be prepared covering a l i s t o f approximately 175 commodities, showing the average weights of these various commodities on the Union P a cific System and on the d iffe ren t units. Although this information is very probably in some o f the Interstate Commerce Commission reports, 1 believe i t w ill be more useful In the compact form here presented. I am therefore passing this on to you fo r such use as you may be able to make of i t . I am sending a copy to Charlie Fr&nkenburger, because o f the fact that X found that he was of most material assistance to me during my stay there and I assume you have likewise found that he wknows his s t u f f * . I understand that they are working you pretty hard, but you can at least look forward to the cold winter days and nights when it is very disagree­able outside that working indoors w ill seem a pleasure Please remember me to your family, and le t me know i f you expect to get out to this part o f the country soon on any cases. Sincerely yours, Encs. cc —Chas. L, Frankenburger ESBiEBS Bennett