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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-119


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    by a special assessment, to the full extent provided by the Charter, and the balance of the cost to be stood and borne by the City of Las Vegas, and that by such ordinances, said First, Second and Fremont Streets be constituted separate and distinct Assessment Districts. The vote on said resolution was as follows: Commissioners Curtiss, Smith and Griffith and his honor the Mayor, voting aye. Noes, none. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned subject to call as by law provided. Office of the City Clerk, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 5th, 1913 This being the time set by ordinance for the regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners in and for the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, present Hon. W.E. Hawkins, Mayer, and P.J. Sullivan with the City Clerk and City Attorney, Commissioners Curtiss, smith and Griffith absent and a quorum net present no meeting as by ordinance provided was held. Office of the City Clerk, Las Vegas, Nevada. November 14th. 1913. A special meeting of the Board of City Commissioners was held at the office of the City Clerk on this 14th, day of November 1913. at the hour of nine o'clock A.M. in pursuance of notice duly given: present Hon. W.E. Hawkins Mayor, Commissioners smith and Griffith with the City Clerk and City Attorney: absent Commissioners Curtiss, and Sullivan . All claims against the City of Las Vegas Nevada as appears upon claim book was allowed by the Board there being no further business before the Beard, it was upon motion of Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Griffith ordered that this Board stand adjourned, the vote being as follows towit:- Commissioners smith, aye, Griffith, aye, and his Hen. the Mayor W.E. Hawkins voting aye.