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J A M E S M. M O N T G O M E R Y • C O N S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R • 15 N O R T H O A K L A N D A V E N U E • P A S A D E N A 1, C A L I F O R N I A M r. C ampb ell Las Vegas Valley Water Dist. -2- Item Approximate Cost 1. Wells 16" diameter 1200 feet deep - 2 @$23, 500 = $47,000 2. Test Pumping (48 hours - ea. well) 2 @$1,200 * 2,400 3. Pumps (Installed) (Deep well turbine typ 2500 gpm capacity) e 2 @$8,000 = 16,000 4. Connecting Pipe Lines Well No. 12 - 500 l.f. of 14" Transite - Well No. 13 - 1060 l.f. of 14" Transite = Subtotal 3, 600 6, 960 $75,960 5. Engineering & Contingencies (10%) 7, 600 $83, 560 The location of proposed Well No. 12 in close proximity to existing Well No. 11 (520’) will result in an additional pumping lift of about 6 feet for Well No. 11. Since this well is now equipped with a horizontal centrifugal pump that has a very flat head-capacity curve, this additional head of 6 feet will greatly reduce its capacity. To maintain adequate flow this pump will have to be replaced with a deep-well turbine-type pump with a steeper characteristic curve, and with bowls set at such a depth that a good flow will be assured. A deep-well pump with a capacity of 1800 gpm and a bowl setting of 130 feet will cost approximately $5, 000 installed. It is believed that this expenditure is justified, however, in that during the summer months the existing pump is probably operating at a low point on its curve and is not producing what it should. In determining these locations for wells, we studied various locations and also considered the possibility of adapting existing private wells and connecting these to the system. Investigation showed, however, that no wells of adequate capacity and reasonable cost were available and that the best locations for additional wells were in the vicinity of the existing Land and Water Company's wells. A good location for an additional well would be just south of Charleston Boulevard in line with the rest of the Land and Water Company's wells. In considering such a location, however, weight was given to such items as the high price of land acquisition,