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    V Mr. H. L* Adamson, Sheet Ko.I9*« Labor Matl Total Work Order 5636. completed March 51. 1926 Construct coach hydrant water lin e ; in s ta ll service boxes and lay 6" v it r ifie d clay pipe drain, replacing 6W W*I* pipe Bugins•ring $18*24 $ *56 Interest during construction . *18 $18*98 (1) Coach hydrant lin e 1580 ’ new 6* C .1 ? pipe including one Hub gate valve and 22 Murdock water service boxes and necessary fittin g s IT.T. 26.307 $1,165.74 $3,284.27 $4,450.01 (16) Drain Line Cost o f tbe follow ing drain lin e is shown fo r memorandum purpose only and is not included in the tota l cost o f coach hydrant lin e Engineering f 5*60 $ *16 Interest during construction .... *06 Memo, only (1) Kew 6H V.C. pipe including a ll necessary fit t in g s , l i n . f t . 1813 $ 902.40 Interest during construction _ ________ Less cost at current prices o f pipe lin e released Hew 6" W .I. pipe including a ll necessary fit t in g s , (labor and material) Lin. f t . 695 $ 443.47 19.12 Memo* only (16) $872*53 (18) Work Order 3161* completed October 22, 1920 In sta llin g pump, motor, and fix tu re s; construct 155* o f additional coach water lin e and a 7 ’ 3wx l0 ,3w frame house for pump and motor fo r watering coaches 7 ,3"xl0'3** frame pump and motor house e a .l $ 63.16 $ 83.48 F.M. 4*' type A.H. 2 Y.B. double suction pump with a F.M. 20 H.P. 3 phase, 60. cy cle, 440 v o lt s , 1800 R.P.M. type "B" mbtor #75069 less base and pulley and two 10 E7A type MS* transformers, sin gle phase, 60 cy cle s, 220 v olt primary, 440 v o lt secondary, "S* number 124366 and 155' o f additional coach water lin e 491*50 1,601*57 Interest during construction ________ 7.95 $2,247*66 (16) Total ledger value coach hydrant lin e :