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I agree.A rtesian W e ll, Las V egas.. COPY Los An geles, June 23, 1923. Mr. H. A. W illiam s: I have your le t t e r o f the 19th, r e la t iv e to a d d itio n a l a rte s ia n w e ll a t Las Vegas. Mr. M ille r spike to me about t h is . There is no doubt but what we can g et a rte s ia n water near the sp rin g s, and fo r that reason we have never so ld any land between the Springs and our shops. However, we have a w e ll in sid e of our shop grounds, which is capable o f fu rn ish in g water fo r a l l company purposes, and we are not making any use o f i t , as I understand i t . I a ls o understand that the Ice Company is p u ttin g in th e ir own water supply. I f we used our own w e ll fo r our shops and the Ice Company got th e ir own supply, we would have plenty o f water to take care o f the town fo r a long w hile to come, and it seems to me that under these conditions we would not be warranted in goin g to the expense o f p u ttin g down an a rte s ia n w e ll near the sp rin g s. (fiijfned) W. E . GOMutovk