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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    and two spring* ell of which showed clear except the sample fro® the Big Spring, the cblorinator was then placed In servloe at the EELg Spring, and has been operating there since that time. As 1 advised you In our oonferenoe, the water production facilities west of the tragus are owned and operated by the Ifrilon Pacific Company and it is not within ray providenoe to say whether or not the water should be continuously chlorinated at its source, however J did refer your recommendat­ion to the Union Pacific office in Los Angeles, and quote below their reply: 8Upon receipt of the complaint, an investigation was made to determine the reason for the condition, end we found that a chipmunk in the spring was the source of the contamination. ¥hen the chipmunk was removed and the spring chlorinated, the condition cleared up immediately, and the Health Department’s subsequent analysis of samples found the water to be ole&r of any contamination* As we were unable to find any openings through which the rodent gained access to the spring house, it is prob&fc • e on# of our employes working around the spring fa ile d to keep a l l openings properly closed* We have cleaned up all of the springs, spring house#, ? settling basins, reservoirs and other water producing facilities. Further, all employee have again been cautioned to see that all doors and openings to any of the facilities ar# kept closed and looked at all times, and we have arranged for frequent inspection* to see that these facilities are maintained in proper condition, which We believe well eliminate any com­plaint of this character in the future* The water source at Las Vegas is well removed from any source of contamination, and with the precautions that are being taken to keep ourf facilities free of foreign element#, we do not believe it will be necessary to continuously chlorinate the water. However, weekly sample of water should be taken fro® e-ch of the settling bf.slns, and you should continue taking fre­quent water sample# from the distribution system so that corrective measures may be promptly taken to eliminate any unsatisfactory conditions that my develop. Dr* 0. 0. Oarr Pag# I W 23-3-2 6/20/50