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    I * $l> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 4. The Salt Lake Company agrees to uee reasonable dili­gence in providing an uninterrupted supply of electric energy and water for the uses herein specified* provided* however* that the Salt Lake Company shall only be required to furnish to the Water Company under the terns of this agreement* such electric energy and water as it m a y have In excess of the amount it m a y require for its own purposes in the operation of its railroad terminal at Las Vegas; and shall not b e liable to the Water Company for failure to deliver e l e c t H o energy or water under this contract, when such failure is caused by an act of Cod, accidents, strikes, washouts, breakage, fires, or any other condition beyond the control of the Salt Lake Co m ­pany; and provided, further, that in the event of the enactment of any law b y the State of N e v a d a , or in the event of any rul­ing by the Public Service Commission of the said State, where­by the Salt Lake Company in carrying out this agreement would become subject to the jurisdiction of said Public Service C o m ­mission, or of any other regulative body, or be deemed to be I acting as a public utility, then and In any such events, this contract shall Ipso facto cease and terminate, and the Salt Lake Company shall be relieved from any and all obligations hereunder, I 5, The Salt Lake Company shall at all times have full sup­ervision over any and all repairs that may be necessary from time to time in the maintenance of the connections with the transmission line and water main of the Water Company, and •3U