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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    if Los Angeles, March 9, 1949 #3-4 Hr, Hay Harks, Tar Agent Southern Pacific Company 139 M. Virginia street Reno, Nevada: (oo - Mr, Wiu Reinhardt - Los A* Mr, Galvin H, Cory SI Ranch Hotel Carson City, Nevada Mr. A. U. Folger, LVIAWCO.^" Las Vegas, Nevada ) Nevada Senate Bill No. 155 Hr. Gory has oailed to ay attention the above hill which you should do everything possible to defeat. It is detrimental to the Interests of the Railroad and the water Company and oer- taialy la detrimental to the interests of all other property owners in the Las Vegas Utility District. The hill amends the act under which the district was created by increasing the power of the directors of the district In thslr own discretion to require the levying of taxes to sup­port the district and to issue bonds which become a charge upon all property in the district. There are many arguments which can be made In opposition to this bill, some of which X mention below: 1. The amendments proposed in this bill make a radical change in the method of financing the district which was con­templated at the time the formation of tho district was submit­ted to the vote of the people for approval. The original act under which the district was formed limited the power of the district to levy taxes to those which were required to get the district under way. The act provided that the district eould cause taxes to be levied "For the purposes of paying any obli­gation of the district during its organizational stage—and further to assist In the operational expenses of said district until such taxes are no longer required therefor." 2, The act originally required that the bonds were self liquidating and to be paid only from the revenues of the distrlet.