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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    / f / Looking good for 100 • TRIBUTE: Las Vegas, as it celebrates its cen­tennial, has under­gone the kind of transformation that few other cit­ies have accom­plished in their first 100 years. It was 100 years ago on this date that the San Pedro-Los Angeles-Salt Lake Railroad sold parcels of land in what is now down­town Las Vegas. And while Las Vegas wasn’t incorporated as a city until 1911, local officials are marking the land sale as the birth of Las Vegas in the centennial celebration this year. From a small, dusty town, which at the time was little more than a desolate stop on a rail line in a harsh desert, Las Vegas has undergone a rad­ical transformation, the likes of which very few other major cities have undergone in their first 100 years. Today Las Vegas is known as much more than the premier place to go to gamble. Our city is renowned for some of the most beau­tiful and exciting resorts in the world, along with some of the best dining in the nation. Most importantly, for all of us who live here and especially for those who have moved here from other states — which often seems like just about everyone — Las Vegas is a place that we are proud to call home. It is a city that is trying hard to not only retain its independent, pioneer­ing roots but also create a stronger sense of com­munity. We are making incredible strides and, for that, we are very fortunate indeed. L a s Ve g a s Su n Founder HANK GREENSPUN (1909-1989) '________ Executive Editor MIKE O ’CALLAGHAN (1929-2004) BARBARA GREENSPUN Publisher BRIAN GREENSPUN President S Editor D A N IE L GREENSPUN Vice President MICHAEL I. KELLEY Managing Editor Editorial MICHAEL CAMPBELL Page Editor