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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    F O R M 3510 7 -4 6 -3 M UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COM PANY C A L V IN M . C O R Y , G E N E R A L A T T O R N E Y L A W D E P A R T M E N T January 25th , 19^9 114 N O R T H T H I R D S T R E E T L A S V E G A S , N E V A D A Wm. Reinhardt, JAN 27 1349 W M ( ce - Mr. E.E. Bennett Mr. A.M. F olger. (With copy o f la tte r from Robert E• Jones.) I transmit herewith le tte r dated Jan, 18th, 191*9, from Robert E. Jones, D istrict Attorney, concerning the proposed acqu isition o f the Las Vegas Land and Water Company by the Las Vegas V alley Water D is tr ic t, I have acknowledged Mr. Jones's le tte r advising that I was forwarding the same to you and suggested that a ll future correspondence be had d i­r e ctly with you. I f you desire me to take any steps con­cerning the subject matter o f the enclosed le t t e r , kindly advise me and I w ill do so at once. S incerely, CMC/b e n d . CALVIN M. CORY