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Hov. 21, 1916, Drinking water cooling a t Las Vegas, Levada. aysteu 613 9 6 • * , » Har Ihe A. f . & a* f Los A n g eles, 5,'t’ i s , C h ief E ng., So S • F * Hy * Co. Cal. Dear Mr. H a rris: Company"s tio n with. I have rec eived your l e t t e r o f Hovember 18th, f i l e 1658, I t is tru e we feaaca in s ta lle d on© o f the Johns-Manvilie Ho. 4 Audiffren-Singrum He fr ig e r a t in g Machines, in conneC’ a drin king water system, in our machine shop at during la s t summer, hut the machine wag placed in s e rv ic e that w© have not had time to determine what saving tKral# he made Las Vegas s o la te discus plant with/ our Master Mechanic a few days s a t is fie d w ith the way i t is working To in o u rrei in it s operation other than the to operate the motor. She machine is. regu an abuh&/nt supply o f water is furnished ;sc& thi ago, and he is very w e ll date no expense has hsen e le c t r ic energy required dated in such a way that temperatures ranging from 48 to 53 degrees F ah ren h eit, which temperature fo r drin king water at the recommended hy our M edical Department, Before the machine was in s ta lled the drinking water w is cooled in pipe c o ils which were packed in ic e , g iv in g the water an ic e cold tem perature, we received a great many complaints from ‘ no - o Isn't workmen and from our M edical Department on account; o f sickn ess, which they a ttrib u te d to the drinking o f ic e w ater. Since the machine has been in s e rv ic e we have received no such com plaints, lik e d by our workmen. and the jLS very w e ll ve in s ta lle d sixteen fountains in the machine shop, so g re a te r distance than 25 fe e t to a b e n e fit from the system through and from the fou n tain s, which we , Vile b e lie v e the system w i l l show oer year in the cost o f ic e , in arranged that no workman need go a reach a fountain. We w i l l rec e iv e le s s lo s t time in workmen going to w i l l no doubt be able to determine a d ir e c t saving o f about $1100.00 a d d ition to other b e n e fits . Yours very tr u ly , C h ief Engineer