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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Special Commit tee, lo . 2* 3w m 16, 1909* Hg&. reinforced concrete-pip© estim ted to oost $12,960.00. . .Preposition Ho. % suggests the laying of a new- pipe f*om the ' Railroad tonic to sp rii^' B . with branches to. o il /&© ether springe, thus gathering thoir In this proposition copper wire vroimft wood stave pip© is not. oo^idorod .as 'i t - m m ts®a itosm in ©stiamtoo pertaining to proposition Ho. 2 to "be .too expensive*. §|§> estimates for this proposition are*- first for a steel wire, wound wood'star:©‘pipe which.would cost $13,994*00;'and second for a reinforced concrete pipe estimated at $14,857*Qv» Both estimates Include damming snft fencing springs end frei$it charges at. cornercial fatso on material. In my opinion the cone re to pipe is th e one to adopt, i'ho ' --^SK m present' sheet stool pip© is hadly, decayed and has hut a short l i f e left before it. i § Yours 'trtijy, ' / . t. - B H Iii i s ? - • I sot-;;.